5 research outputs found

    The Impact of a Clinical Faculty Institute on Participants\u27 Skills for Mentoring Novice Teachers, Grades K-8

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    A seven-day Clinical Faculty Institute was implemented to increase the skills of mentor teachers and to develop a cadre of Clinical Faculty for the four participating colleges and universities. The 128 participants entered with some confidence in their ability to mentor novice teachers in areas typically taught in methods courses; whereas, they displayed minimal confidence in skills typically taught in supervisory courses. By the end of the Institute, participants showed significant changes in their self-perceptions of skills in twenty areas, with post-scores clustering between 3.5 and 3.9 on a four-point scale. Future institutes should focus on supervisory skills and then emphasize more reflection upon the congruence of teaching, with the best practices articulated in national standards

    Single-cell genetic models to evaluate orphan gene function: The case of QQS regulating carbon and nitrogen allocation

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    We demonstrate two synthetic single-cell systems that can be used to better understand how the acquisition of an orphan gene can affect complex phenotypes. The Arabidopsis orphan gene, Qua-Quine Starch (QQS) has been identified as a regulator of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) partitioning across multiple plant species. QQS modulates this important biotechnological trait by replacing NF-YB (Nuclear Factor Y, subunit B) in its interaction with NF-YC. In this study, we expand on these prior findings by developing Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, to refactor the functional interactions between QQS and NF-Y subunits to affect modulations in C and N allocation. Expression of QQS in C. reinhardtii modulates C (i.e., starch) and N (i.e., protein) allocation by affecting interactions between NF-YC and NF-YB subunits. Studies in S. cerevisiae revealed similar functional interactions between QQS and the NF-YC homolog (HAP5), modulating C (i.e., glycogen) and N (i.e., protein) allocation. However, in S. cerevisiae both the NF-YA (HAP2) and NF-YB (HAP3) homologs appear to have redundant functions to enable QQS and HAP5 to affect C and N allocation. The genetically tractable systems that developed herein exhibit the plasticity to modulate highly complex phenotypes

    Select spinal lesions reveal multiple ascending pathways in the rat conveying input from the male genitalia

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    The specific white matter location of all the spinal pathways conveying penile input to the rostral medulla is not known. Our previous studies using rats demonstrated the loss of low but not high threshold penile inputs to medullary reticular formation (MRF) neurons after acute and chronic dorsal column (DC) lesions of the T8 spinal cord and loss of all penile inputs after lesioning the dorsal three-fifths of the cord. In the present study, select T8 lesions were made and terminal electrophysiological recordings were performed 45–60 days later in a limited portion of the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis (Gi) and Gi pars alpha. Lesions included subtotal dorsal hemisections that spared only the lateral half of the dorsal portion of the lateral funiculus on one side, dorsal and over-dorsal hemisections, and subtotal transections that spared predominantly just the ventromedial white matter. Electrophysiological data for 448 single unit recordings obtained from 32 urethane-anaesthetized rats, when analysed in groups based upon histological lesion reconstructions, revealed (1) ascending bilateral projections in the dorsal, dorsolateral and ventrolateral white matter of the spinal cord conveying information from the male external genitalia to MRF, and (2) ascending bilateral projections in the ventrolateral white matter conveying information from the pelvic visceral organs (bladder, descending colon, urethra) to MRF. Multiple spinal pathways from the penis to the MRF may correspond to different functions, including those processing affective/pleasure/motivational, nociception, and mating-specific (such as for erection and ejaculation) inputs